
Spectrum News 13: Coastal communities in Florida, nationwide work to adapt to rising sea levels

I was featured in Spectrum News 13 along with my supervisor Dr. Wahl for discussing our research work about how coastal communities can adapt to rising sea levels and climate change. Watch the News Video Below 👇 Coastal communities in Florida, nationwide work to adapt to rising sea levels

Copernicus Barcelona Hackathon - IHE Delft teams awarded 2nd and 3rd place

(From IHE Delft website) The Copernicus Hackathon Programme, financed by the European Commission, brings together developers, experts, and entrepreneurs. A hackathon (hacking marathon) is a design and development event in which participants with various fields of expertise and skills work in groups collaborating intensively on software projects towards tackling a specific challenge within a short timeframe. The goal of a hackathon is to create functioning software by the end of the event, being the desired result of an operational prototype / demonstrator of the developments performed.